£4K for the Kano!

Over £4,000 raised in virtual bucket collection, with donations received globally.

The Kano Foundation is delighted to announce our first ever virtual bucket collection raised over £4,000. Opening for donations ahead of Celtic’s 6-1 victory over Hibs at Celtic Park, the programme was live for a week and our generous supporters rallied behind the cause.

“What a fantastic job Kano does. Keep up the great work bringing the next generation of Celtic fans to the games”

The drivers for going ‘virtual’ this year were to mirror the cashless environment at Celtic Park and less people carrying money to match days. This allowed us to receive online donations from across the globe – Australia to Aberdeen, Cologne to Coatbridge.

Everyone at The Kano Foundation appreciates the cost of living crisis, coupled with higher energy bills means there’s no such thing as spare change which makes the £4,110 grand total even more amazing!

“21st Century lift-overs, keep up the great work”

Our bucket collection is one of The Kano Foundations’ biggest fundraising events of the year. The money raised will make a huge impact, ensuring we can continue to bring children and young people to experience a match at Celtic Park. 

Thank you!

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC042477