Celtic Supporters Clubs

Could your Celtic Supporters Club help?

Celtic Supporters Clubs across the world have been a part of The Kano Foundation’s journey since the very beginning. Across the length and breadth of Scotland and Ireland, from Canada to Australia we love inviting new CSCs to help us bring even more kids to the game. 

Whether you’re holding events, raising money for The Kano Foundation, or even offering to bring kids on your bus, we can’t thank you enough. 

If you’d like someone from The Kano Foundation to come and speak with your CSC, or if you’re looking for ways your CSC can help get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to help.

Get in touch today to see how your Celtic Supporters Club can help, email us at [email protected]

The Toronto No1 CSC based in Scarborough, Ontario raised over $13,000 at one of their fundraisers!

CSC legend John “The Scarf” Lennon RIP had been a massive advocate of The Kano Foundation for many years.

Thank you for all your support

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC042477