A gift in your will

Inspire the next generation of football fans.

With the cost of living crisis and energy bills increasing along with the price of tickets, having a day out at the football is out of reach for so many families and children.

Many children are excluded from enjoying and experiencing a game. They will never get the opportunity to visit a stadium like Celtic Park or take part from the terraces. 

We want to change that and give them their first experience of a professional football match and create memories they will cherish forever.


A gift in your will can make sure The Kano Foundation continues to take even more kids to the game and make an impact long into the future.

The Kano Foundation - Gifts in Wills

Download our guide to gifts in wills and help keep football free for kids.

We fully understand that making a will is a very personal and private matter. We also understand that when planning for the future – family and friends always come first. But once you’ve taken care of the people you love, please consider leaving a gift to The Kano Foundation.


How do gifts in wills make a difference?

We welcome kids to almost every Celtic home game, and each is a special moment for both us and the children. We don’t charge the children or their groups a single penny and everything we do is funded by generous donations.

At each match we provide lunch for all the kids, goodie bags, scarfs and of course a ticket.

Gifts in wills help us to make sure we can cover the cost of season tickets, that we are able to provide a hot nutrious meal before the game, and that the experience for each and every child is one they remember for the rest of their life.

Please consider leaving a gift in your will to The Kano Foundation so we can continue to keep football free for kids.

We’re here to answer any questions you have. Gifts in wills help us keep returning each week to Celtic Park and to ensure that even more children get to the game.

Your support and generosity is vital to that.

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your will, please get in touch at [email protected].

” This was the best day ever! I cant wait to show my Mum my scarf, thank you! ”

Kano Kid

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC042477