The Kano Foundation World Golf Day

Join us for the second annual Kano International Golf Day. 

On the 8th September 2023, golfers around the world will pick up their clubs to raise money for The Kano Foundation. 

Supporters can choose to organise a full event in their area, or simply play a round of golf and donate to the Kano Foundation. 

Everyone enters their scores into the golf day app and prizes will be presented to overall and regional winners. 

Last year, we had groups from Australia, Dubai, Texas, Ireland, and many more. 

We raised an amazing amount in 2022 – but we’d love to beat it this year. 

To find out more about the golf day or for information on how to set one up in your location, email [email protected]

All the proceeds will go straight towards keeping football free for kids and giving them an experience they’ll never forget. 

International Golf Day!

World Golf Day 2022

The Kano Foundation |
Keeping Football Free for Kids | Registered Scottish Charity No. SC042477